The future brings new tools, habits and social behaviors. Who sits first row to watch this development take place in our society?
SICK SALES! Just the cure you need for those January blues 🤔
Why is it that at the beginning of every year we feel motivated, hopeful and ready to start over. Is it the idea of a clean slate or is January helping us feel positive and full of motivation? What happens after a while? Why is it that this great mindset has a tendency to pass?
Saving habits in Norway? Staggering findings 😮
Happy Holidays from Team Spiff
Christmas is so close, we can smell it. Time literally flew by this year, and we are so grateful about where we stand today with our dear Spiff app. The end of the year is a great time to reflect, set new goals and start planning future dreams.
The girl behind the plants 🌱
Job alert! 🔥 Marketing and PR Manager
Spiff is on a mission to help people save money. We are now looking for a great marketeer with entrepreneurial spirit and innovative ideas. Are you an outgoing and exceptional brand building-rockstar, ready to lead marketing and PR for Spiff ?
5 women you already know, and their secret holiday tips!
Since you seem to love our interviews and money-saving tips a little bit, we added the two together for our very first December blogpost! You’ve met all of these superwomen before, but today we are here to pick their brain on something a quite different...
Dream more. Sail more. Stress less?
We love following this courageous duo, through their blog and social media channels. Life, love and everything in between, the girls do a great job sharing valuable and personal advice picked up while exploring the world. Emilie and Elise hope to inspire all of us to dream, just a little bit more.
Only six more Fridays till Christmas !
Wow! The Holidays are coming. We know Christmas should be all about family and fun, but we also know it can cost you a fortune. That is why we have put our heads together at Team Spiff, in order to create some helpful tips for the season ahead.
The future of fashion and sustainability? KONTRAST PROJECT 🍃
The two innovative women behind KONTRAST believe fashion and sustainability can work well together. Find out how Hedda and Kine manage to empower women in Nepal, through their green and fashionable business-model.
💥 Spiff introduserer den norske superstjernen Kamilla Alnes💥
Visste du at det finnes en norsk jente med navn Kamilla, søt som sukker og som vandrer rundt i Hollywood og booker show etter show?
Vel, her er hun! Du kjenner henne kanskje fra American Horror Story, Comedy Central, Disney Channel eller i den siste Adidas kampanjen?
A new generation investment advisors? Hello Aktietjejerna!
Aktiejejerna (The stock girls) are on a mission to engage more women to invest in stocks at the stockmarket. The informative and fun Instagram-profile caught ...
A marketplace as sleek as Instagram? Yes please ! 💥Tise💥
We immediately fell in love with Norwegian , as they promote slow fashion and reselling. The app itself is extremely well designed, and oh-sooo easy to use. No wonder Tise is what everyone wants to be part of these days!
Feel great about saving or guilty for spending? The experiment 🔥
Say Hello to our first guestblogger, Tanya. Our sporty team-member gladly accepted the challenge, and is about to walk you through her world of shopping, receipt-tracking and money-counting.... So, what feels better? Saving or spending money? Find out below!
Introducing June Holm 👊🏽 Influencer, public speaker and topblogger 🎉
We have been following topblogger and influencer June Holm for quite a while. It is truly inspiring to see how this successful young woman is using her personal platform, to discuss important and often challenging topics.
Kvinner holder nøkkelen til en bedre verden!
Vi mener kvinner holder nøkkelen til en bedre verden, og vil i denne teksten forklare hvorfor.
I Spiff tror vi på like muligheter for alle. Alle fortjener å bestemme over sin egen fremtid uansett kjønn, rase, inntekt, geografi og rikdom. Dessverre vet vi alle at verden ikke fungerer slik i dag. Penger er makt, enten vi liker det eller ei. Ting vil ikke forandre seg uten at vi forandrer de finansielle verktøyene tilgjengelig for oss alle i dag.
The Professional Globetrotter 😎 Julie Pallesen 🌟
Mastermind, Professional Globetrotter and creator of platform This Way by Julie Pallesen, gave us a minute (more like an hour) of her time to share some life-advice, her story, and everything in between.
Team Spiff is growing🌱 Introducing Tanya
Spiff is growing. This time, we’ve been lucky to get our hands on South African born Tanya, currently living in Oslo, Norway. With her passion, talent and skill set, there is no need to explain why we are so happy to ...
Get excited to meet Marie &
So have we... Luckily, this dilemma is about to change. Norwegian startup FJONG promotes sustainable fashion habits, by enabling you to rent and rent out personal fashion items. Save money on renting; make money on sharing.
Meet superwoman Beth from Budget Bytes !
One week ago, we started talking about food and money here on the Spiffblog. Many of you seemed to find this topic very important and interesting, so we had to do a follow-up on the subject! Luckily, we managed to get a hold of the incredible Beth Moncel